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Fragmenting Update.

Posted: Wed Jan 04, 2023 4:55 pm
by kayleth
Fragmenting Addittions
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Tarnishstone (Venakun): Tarnishstone is the primary stone left behind by Venadak's Noradac. Commonly found as a geode due to the arcanacrags influence over gravitational forces. Inside are clusters of different-sized mineral deposits On the surface they are purple as a graduate to plack in the center. Within a swirling mass of energy hums softly. When mined it is often variable as some geodes way less than a few pounds whereas others can way a few hundred. The level of gravitational energy in each stone affects how it feels in one's hand. The tarnished stone has a set amount of gravitational force stored inside of it depending on size, cut, clarity ect. When refined and utilized it can absorb a set amount of mass or transfer some of its gravitational force to increase or decrease the mass of objects affecting its gravitational pull and the amount of force required to move it. Additionally, this force can also be used to generate etheric fields of force in specified shapes that can deflect or absorb attacks. With its manipulation of gravitational force, it also influences the inertia of things its linked to allowing it to accelerate or decelerate at will and ignoring the effects of gravity to a degree.
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Brightseed (Shendral): Brightseed is the primary stone left behind Y'shendra's Noradac. The raw form of Brightseed is jagged and rough, with a shimmering surface that reflects the light in a dazzling spectrum of greens. It has a vine-like central stalk that emanates a soft, jade-like color in the dark. It grows in the shape of a long vine with crystalline, teardrop-shaped gem-clusters sprouting from the tips like grapes on a vine. It is often found deep within the earth, radiating a warm, life-giving energy that causes plants and animals to flourish in its vicinity. When mined, the gemstone exudes a thick, luminescent fog that envelops the area around it, dyeing the miner's skin a leafy green color for up to a week. When refined and planted in soil, nearby flora will grow their roots towards the ethereal energy pouring out from the Brightseed into the soil, which will accelerate the growth and improve the vitality and longevity of flora whose roots marinate in its potent ethereal flow. The same principle can be used on mortals to achieve a healing factor that aids in the overall rate of recovery, though mortals (due to their soul) can experience over-exposure to Brightseed, causing Magithermal radiation in the face of long-term, direct exposure (such as if an individual attempts to use Brightseed to extend their lifespan, or permanently improve upon their natural regeneration). Brightseed is usually given in doses, to increase the speed of recovery and overall health and well-being.
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Huntstone (Nathcrag): Hunstone is the primary stone left behind by Azunath's Noradac. It grows in a bell-shaped crystalline structure. At its base, it emanates a pale pink hue that fades to translucent. The arcanacrag shimmers white light pulses in the presence of living things with the intensity of it being brighter and more frequent the more powerful or dangerous something is. Creatures often congregate around these stones as a detection warning for prey or other living beings as a warning sign. While its energies are concentrated it can be used to assess the health, strength, magic, boons, and ailments of a particular living being. Additionally, the stones can be imprinted by holding the stone against the object or person to include parts of them you want it to locate something and when hovered over a map will roll to the location that it is located, washing the stone with Lightwater can remove the imprint allowing it to be replaced.
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Firelight (Vendrax): Firelight is the secondary stone left behind by Venadak's Noradac.It grows in pillar-like crystal veins with a translucent body. From inside hues of yellow and orange radiate out in corpuscular rays sometimes reflected off angles in unnatural ways. Special care is needed when harvesting as it can be too bright to look at directly as well as exposure to the rays can cause severe sunburn if exposure is too long. When refined it has a variety of uses such as the control of the light intensity, color, and direction. Depending on the fractal alignment it may also alter the properties of the light wavelength into other spectrums like infrared and x-ray. The ability to control how light is reflected and refracted in whatever the stone is mounted in or linked to allows for the obscurity of things but is not true invisibility and is only the bending of light.
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Chemspark (Gevakun): Chemspark is the primary stone left behind by Gevala's Noradac. In its raw and unrefined form, Chempark is a vibrant emerald-green mineral with a unique crystalline structure. It is composed of thin, needle-like crystals that grow together in intricate patterns, creating a shimmering and mesmerizing effect. Deep within its facets energy bubbles like a pot of water as it reflects the light to the surface. Its energies seep into the environment it dwells in and often harden the natural minerals around it making harvesting more difficult without specialized tools. Chemspark can enhance the properties of potions, liquids, and elixirs. By infusing the mineral into the mixture, the user can alter the chemical reactions occurring within the mixture, resulting in increased potency, and increased effectiveness. Chemspark can also be used to enhance the flavor of foods and drinks, adding a subtle yet distinct taste that is highly prized by gourmet chefs and connoisseurs. Many countries covet the Chemsparl for its ability to merge the properties of two or more materials together, combining their physical and chemical properties to create a new substance. This can be used to create new and unique materials, such as combining the strength of steel with the elasticity of rubber to create a new material that is both strong and flexible. However, it is important to note that only one property can be added to the resulting substance, as adding more can cause instability and potentially dangerous consequences. Due to its reactivity, it also has the ability to purify substances of toxins, and poisons, rendering the substance safe for consumption or use.
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Harmonite (Gevatrax): Harmonite is the secondary stone left behind by Gevala's Noradac. It is found in large clusters of jagged shards that resemble broken glass, with silver streaks corrugating through the translucent shards. The surface of the mineral is rough and uneven, with deep cracks and fissures running across its surface. The mineral is highly reflective sending flashes of silver in various directions. It has silver streaks corrugated through the translucent shards. It is also highly fragile, and can easily shatter or break if struck or dropped. When handled, Harmonite emits a faint humming or vibrating sound that can be heard by those with sensitive hearing The environment they are found in is usually extremely quiet save for a telltale hym the vibrating crystals make. Once refined a fragmenter can extract its powers over sound. Once refined a fragmenter can extract its powers over resonance. Holding the stone and channeling ether through it assists the relationship between one's soul and any mark of control it is aligned to. This means that it can empower raw magics or dampen them depending on its fractal pattern. Additionally, when this stone is linked in a matrix to other stones it can increase the power of arcancrags it is linked with. However, fragmenters have found the greater disparity in cut, clarity, and size from the stones it is linked to as well as tier of Pristine Arcanacrag can result in power imbalances reducing the effectiveness of a stone if it were used by itself. Lastly, with its properties of ether conversion most world magic tools are made using this specific stone which has made them a highly prized asset in the modern world.
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Aquasphere (pronounced aqua-sfur) (Blevcrag): Aquasphere is a stunning mineral with a vibrant ocean blue and teal color scheme. In its raw and unrefined form, it is found in small, crystalline formations that resemble sparkling hollow bubbles. The surface of the mineral is smooth and polished, with a shimmering sheen that catches the light.One of the most distinctive features of Aqualite is its unique ability to create and sustain bubbles. The mineral is infused with a special gas that is lighter than air, which forms into tiny bubbles that are trapped within the crystal. These bubbles are constantly shifting and moving, creating a mesmerizing and hypnotic effect. More often than not Aqualite is found in uinderwater caves or a cave that was previously underwater. Water condenses in the air around this mineral generating light fog and condensation. Once refined the stone imparts one with the ability to breath underwater for longer periods of time not natural to mortals. Additionally, it seems to have power of boyancy. One Fragmenter was rumored to have performed the calucaltions well enough that they could walk on water. Depending on the alignment of its fractals the crag will manipulate the humidity and water density in an area. This can easily be turned into a water source if set up correctly or for a green house to maintain proper moisture levels in an area.