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Latham's Plot Notes

Posted: Thu Dec 26, 2019 11:20 am
by Taelian Edevane


Taelian's Rune of Sigilic Pyromancy -- or the Black Sigil -- follows a thematic assembly of traits, known to him as a motif. This motif has been titled 'the Ebon Duelist' by Taelian, due to the focus of his quirks on exceeding the capabilities of a singular foe. They have trained his body and Rune to go toe-to-toe with the quicker and deadlier Dranoch, forging him into a Pyromantic duelist of little comparison.

Rune Location: Taelian's Black Sigil is on the back of his neck, more visible with shorter hair, though the bottom part of it is always visible unless concealed.

The Black Sun - Apprentice
The Black Sun is a melodramatic name for a fairly unspectacular quirk. Taelian's eyes, still ivory in color, are now surrounded by a perpetually lit and vibrantly colored ring of flame, acting as an outer glow. While this normally has little effect, it allows him to see much better in the dark, as his eyes act as a self-sustaining form of illumination. As a downside, stealth and subterfuge become more difficult for the Ebon Knight, whose eyes cast a directional light on whatever he is currently looking at.

Affliction of Ash - Journeyman
Taelian's Beacon acts much like a sun. While it provides him with warmth and illumination, it is as likely to overreach and burn him as a partial-Famished. This Quirk is an almost physical interpretation of that unfortunate polarity. When Taelian sustains considerable physical damage, and particularly heavy damage dealt to internal organs, his Beacon begins to churn vividly either due to a loss in control or as an internalized attempt to reach out and protect him. What this does is emit what is essentially a soul-effecting solar flare, the Beacon extending beyond its boundaries and cindering the edges of Taelian's essence. While this can be recovered from, the immediate effects are starkly grim.

Taelian will quite literally appear to flake into what looks like ash. Large sections of his skin will become dead and will begin to peel from his flesh, which itself is weakened by this backlash. His bones will become more brittle and his Sigilic Pyromancy unstable, thrashing out in indeterminate directions as likely to thrash an ally as a foe. Healing for Taelian is an arduous process and one that requires his Beacon essentially be rekindled after surging wildly out of control. Wounds inflicted upon Taelian after this condition takes effect can only be healed through the use of fire or cauterization. While it will not cause scarring, the Beacon inside of Taelian draws in the power of the fire using it to heal Taelian's soul and body, it will not lessen the pain of quite literally being burned alive. A lesson in the cost of power, while grueling to endure, it will ensure a complete recovery for him. A 'glass cannon', some would call him, Taelian burns brightly but ultimately becomes stunningly easy to kill with a well-placed attack, the Affliction nearly guaranteeing his death if he is not extricated from the field.

Gallow Warrior - Expert
The premier thematic Quirk of Taelian's motif, Gallow Warrior allows Taelian to manipulate his Enkindled weapons almost freely, and with great precision. He embeds nearly every fiber of their metal with Enkindled properties, allowing him to manipulate them as if they were cinders of flame through Pyrokinetics; suspending them at will and precisely controlling their movements. Though they keep their shape and appearance, cindered cracks will run across their form like with all Enkindled weapons. Taelian can seemingly perform this on any weapon with carbon in it, which he welds with particles of Shrivenflame in order to manipulate the weaponry. He can only manipulate these Enkindled weapons up to twenty feet away from him, and only up to six at once. Emblem cannot be channeled through these weapons, as it requires a physical grasp. Finally, these weapons and their dexterity are predicated upon the weapon skill they're based on.

This Quirk comes with a permanent physical change. A fiery-red, searing line will run across the length of Taelian's spine, permanently glowing warmly. This ends not far above his tailbone in height.

Ebon Paladin - Master
Ebon Paladin applies a singular but notable change to Taelian's Sigilic Pyromancy: as a warrior meant to lash out against the undying, his Sigilic Pyromancy techniques will now home in on the foes he has designated, so long as they fit certain criteria. All Dranoch, Liches (including proto), Strigoi, Necromancy-constructs, other undead and mortal entities who have lived beyond their natural span of life may be designated as 'targets' by his Enkindled weapons and Shrivenflame. This will not only force his weapons and techniques to follow after them with greater alacrity, including the swings and lunges of his wielded weapons, but to follow after them for a radius of up to fifty feet, enhancing the range of Gallow Warrior if in pursuit of such targets. Even with sharp turns and pivots, his weapons and flame will continue to follow their chosen foes aggressively, forcing them to fight on the backfoot of an escalating series of coordinated assaults.

Knight of the Pyred Bedlam - Master
The final Quirk of the Ebon Duelist, Knight of the Pyred Bedlam allows for Taelian to manipulate the carbon within his Enkindled weapons by superheating it, allowing him to change its composition. This enables Taelian to dramatically increase the durability of his Enkindled weapons by increasing their carbon density, making the weapons he wields nearly impervious to damage. As a result, Taelian gains an advantage in parrying, blocking and countering with his Enkindled weapons. This change is so profound that they appear to be able to block and reflect nearly anything, including weaker or more concentrated arcane attacks. He may additionally alter their carbon to become less dense, increasing sharpness and mobility at the cost of durability. While this appears a simple alteration to his Sigilic weaponmastery, it has profound effects on his dueling capabilities.

As a downside to all of his Quirks, now -- a sweeping trend overlaying his motif -- Taelian must now pursue and kill all undying so long as he is aware of what they are. Dranoch, Liches, specters haunting the physical world and others who have unnaturally extended their lives far beyond what is normal; Taelian's Beacon commands him to kill them and he will not relent in his violent pursuit of such individuals. The mental compulsion is strong enough to override almost any factor, reason or sense of self-preservation.

As a final change, the most dramatic aesthetic difference comes now with the motif. Taelian's body appears to change somewhat like an Enkindled weapon; cracks of flame are scattered at random throughout his body, isolated scars, almost molten in appearance. Most prominently these scars appear to line directly beneath his collarbone, along his sides above his waist and adonis belt, and coiling around his upper legs like a crown of cinders around each limb.

Re: Taelian's Plot Notes

Posted: Thu Dec 26, 2019 11:23 am
by Taelian Edevane
Son of the Tarnished Creator


Son of the Tarnished Creator
The child of the tainted Light-God Venadak, Latham was created by an act of remorse: a feeling of responsibility over the failures that led to a great genocide, and the deaths of hundreds of millions. It was his father's hope that he would one day help restore order to Sil-Elaine: a task that has since become the core of his life.

Divine Abilities
- First Tier
Roshan: Sworn Revenge
Sworn Revenge is a divine ability that can only manifest upon one individual at a time. The Mark of Vengeance (pictured above) appears at the center of their forehead, red, with an outline that presents itself as gruesome, peeled flesh as if it were carved into their skin. So long as Roshan is active on the foe, Latham will be able to find and pursue them even through planes, making escape from him nearly impossible. All damage dealt by him is magnified in pain and brutality, more easily ripping through and breaking apart limbs and bones. The more the target tires, the more he can magnify their pain, doing so remotely with his own mind. He can also travel through all forms of light in pursuit of the foe, making him capable of jumping towards them at unimaginable speeds, pursuing them relentlessly. All-in-all, Sworn Revenge acts as an exemplary tool for dueling, designed to push a foe to physical and mental extremes. Latham can apply the Mark of Vengeance to any individual in his presence at first, though upon acquiring Trespasser, he can apply it to anyone he is aware of.

Korus: Lightborn
Lightborn offers Latham a Divine augmentation to his strength, resistance, and speed. As Venadak is a warrior above all, this heritage passes onto his son, who exceeds most other Draedan in physical ability. Lightborn makes Latham massively more strong, capable of lifting and throwing boulders, breaking through stone with simple thrusts of his knuckles, crushing foes with overbearing strikes... further, with his muscles augmented in their power and effectiveness, he is capable of running and moving at considerably higher speeds. It is also immensely difficult to tire him out, and his body is deeply resistant to damage and pain. Enduring extremes is inherent to Latham's blood, and he can seemingly fight almost at full capacity disregarding his chest being torn open, a blade being lodged into his spine, or even if his skull has been caved in. Not only does his body act as a densely armored shell, but even once punctured he can seemingly endure all but fatal wounds. As all Draedan progressively gain traits like these through their development, Latham gains them even moreso, growing exponentially as he nears and reaches Exaltation.

Kilek: Sunbane
Sunbane is an ability that truly takes after Latham's father, Venadak. The Draedan is capable of generating incredibly hot, devastating flame at-will. In most cases, it will first form at the center of one of his hands in the form of a fiery orb, identical in appearance to that of a small sun. At this point, Latham may reshape it into any form he desires, though the larger, more devastating and overall more powerful forms consume more Divinity. He is also capable of crushing it to create an expanding field of fire around himself, or slicing through it with a weapon to imbue it with a divine, undying flame. Considering the versatility of this ability, it is impossible to easily quantify. It can simply be described as divine pyrokinetics, the overall ability to control and manipulate flame. No matter the type of flame generated, however, Sunbane has a few consistent characteristics: it is always a solar shade of smoldering yellow, and it is much hotter than most natural flame at around 6000 °C. As a note, Latham does not need to create Sunbane through an orb or through his palm. He may generate and release it from any part of his body, and can condense it into a laser-like form.

- Second Tier
Dren: Gatebreaker
Gatebreaker is a unique ability in that it seems to mirror a particular technology: cannons, and mortars. Latham forms a Divinity-enriched, or ethereal, version of these weapons but only for a quick single-shot, firing a thunderous and rapid, glowing red-shell across large stretches of distance, only to make devastating impact. Gatebreaker is surprisingly versatile; he can form several ground-cannons at once and fire them, destroying entire walls in moments, or he can conjure arced mortar shots from the ground, or -- interestingly -- he can wield cannons and mortars over his shoulders or even his back, acting as secondary weapons of his. Due to the divine nature of these weapons, they appear to be easily shifted and reformed to his will, and can even meld with or phase through his body without issue. The cannons tend to appear as ethereal red constructs, rather than real physical weapons, though Latham may craft them with the illusion of physicality if he so wishes. Each shot from the cannons can vary based on the amount of Divinity dedicated to the shot, but they can range from punching vast holes in walls to blasting the foundations of entire castles away, particularly as Latham reaches Exaltation. Gatebreaker can be formed anywhere within fifty feet of Latham, but not directly on the body of an enemy.

Teras: Daybreak
Acting as one of his primary methods of transportation, Latham is capable of constructing a powerful door of sunlight before him in the shape of a bright, fiery ring, almost like one surrounding a solar eclipse. Upon stepping through, he and any allowed allies can use the gateway, called a 'Daybreak' as it can travel through light itself, riding along natural light and moving at its natural speed. This allows Latham to traverse not only through Atharen but even through other planes, as the Daybreak is capable of puncturing through the veil between the distinct realities. This, of course, wields with it a weakness: anywhere not touched by natural light (such as sun or moonlight) is inaccessible through this method of travel, and Latham will automatically arc and warp around any areas deprived of this light. This means that he cannot generally travel into buildings or other such enclosed spaces. Latham may use Daybreak to exit one of these spaces, but only by expending a miniscule amount of Divinity to create the sensation of natural light within, enabling his exit.

Krikus: Dreg-King
His second passive bolster, Krikus - or Dreg-King - finally aligns Latham with the physiology of his father's retinue. Latham gains some of the physical traits of these infernal beasts, gaining addendums that he may choose to manifest at-will. He may gain black-colored chiropteral wings at will, alike to the wings of many Dregs in appearance. These wings are lined with an armored, silver-like trim along their span, with their fingers carrying this same gilded armor-like texture. Due to their divine nature, they can suspend flight even when tattered and wounded, and with them Latham can fly at extreme speeds of up to 300 km/h. Further, Latham's arms and legs grow black spine-like shards along them, few and scattered, but still notable. Appearing almost like onyx stones growing on parts of his body, they further remind onlookers of his relation to Dregs. They are most prominent on his shoulders, where around six of them run along the surface of those shoulders; these shoulder-shards can extend from his form and suddenly strike at targets within five feet like a scorpion. In addition to this, his feet become clawed and his maw becomes more powerful, with sharper teeth growing in where old ones once laid.

- Third Tier
Perikor: Ruiner
Perikor is Latham's Crusader, his divine artifact weapon. It replaces Maligner, and Maligner's abilities can be used with Perikor. Perikor is a dark-colored, handheld multi-barrel Gatling gun with bending lines of light spanning its length, leading into a glowing, golden muzzle at the mouth of the gun. Perikor is made out of a material known as Vitaeven, a mineral originally found on the Adac home planet. Vitaeven is the densest known mineral on Atharen, and because of this, Perikor weighs over six hundred pounds. Perikor's weight can actually be increased by a dial near the trigger, up to a total weight of five thousand pounds. The heavier the weight of the gun, the more resistance the Divinity vibrational capacitor initially undergoes when preparing a barrel of rounds to be fired, which ultimately increases the destructive force of each shot. For this reason, Perikor as a weapon is often paired with one to two Xadik-enhanced arms, so that Latham may wield Perikor even as it exceeds the weight of boulders, and great beasts. In its basic state, each of Perikor's barrels expends a small amount of Divinity in order to form within the chamber. Once fired, its flurry of bullets will move at a regular speed, but impact their targets with truly unimaginable force.

The weight of Ruiner is constantly radiating through a vibrational aura into the chamber capacity, creating hyper-dense bullets of Divinity that dismantle their impact site, as well as a varying area around it, even in the place of heavily-plated objects or organics. Latham can spin the gun's barrel with his remaining hand to accelerate the emptying of the chamber, reducing individual bullet force but increasing the rate of the barrel's emptying. Latham's Ruiner is capable of obliterating entire waves of foes in this state, plowing through a hail of bullets. Chambers can have their vibrational capacitor manipulated to increase bullet velocity by increasing the Divinity dedicated to each barrel. This augmentation will increase increase Perikor's explosivity and crowd-mowing capabilities, as these high-velocity bullets often rip right through multiple targets. Perikor may also be wielded as a warhammer, a long handle emerging from the underside of the Gatling gun so that it may be held as a martial weapon. Perikor can also be fired while being wielded as a hammer, making it highly versatile as a melee or medium-range weapon.

Xadik: Abolisher
Xadik allows Latham to construct golden glyphs made of Divinity over parts of his body. These glyphs are Morvus (Brutality), Ehera (Accelerant) and Nihlus (Barricade). These glyphs act almost as a facsimile of the magic of Lucence, with Latham garnering some of his father's inherent powers. Morvus increases raw strength, Ehera speed and dexterity, and Nihlus endurance and durability. These glyphs can be chained together up to three times, and will appear either on the upper leg (for leg bolstering), deltoid (for arm), or the upper pectoral (for chest and torso). All three of these intricate glyphs may have Divinity funneled into them to increase their potency. Because of this, Xadik is an ability that must be strictly regulated within Latham's retinue, as it can siphon off vast amounts of his Divinity without careful monitoring. The more a glyph is fed, the more strength, speed or endurance it will supply to the affected limb, allowing heroic feats. The effects of Xadik tend to last depending on the Divinity used, filling up the glyph with incredible golden light with more and more Divinity. As the glyph's effects fade, the lines and symbols where golden light once reigned will be replaced by the sinister purplish-red appearance of rot and decay, until the glyph becomes empty and is diminished into erasure.

Fergun: Reprisal
This ability only works in Bel. It allows Latham to craft a Dreg of Vengeance with his Divinity, creating a spiritual emissary to fight for his cause in the Endless War. The Dreg can vary in appearance, but almost all Dregs of Vengeance tend to appear as demonic, red entities similar to a man in size and shape, wearing plate armor with crimson wings distending outward, holding some manner of blunt weapon or spear. By expending great amounts of Divinity, Latham may craft more powerful Dregs, though he must do so with gaps of days in-between. Considering this ability is intended to be used for the story and these Dregs are largely confined to Bel, the quantity of Dregs under Latham's control and their overall might should be determined by the moderators involved with Latham's plot.

- Fourth Tier
Ekon: Mass Enrage
Ekon allows Latham to massively produce compulsions towards rage, vengeance and a need for violent retribution. These Divinity-enriched emotions flow out of his form in one of two different ways: one, the emotions can be directly channeled into specific individuals, or, they can simply be unleashed to any and all entities around him. While this ability may appear to have limited application, there are a few things that can make it truly overbearing, beyond what any Mentalist can inflict. To begin with: the emotions produced by Ekon are so overwhelming that no one can resist them, even people who have no emotions at all (such as Famished). Even the most passive person, or someone with the greatest willpower, cannot resist Ekon's compulsion for long. One reason for this is that Divinity may be channeled into it endlessly until it works, and it will not take much before all intended victims eventually succumb to its influence. The second reason for Ekon's potency is that the rage inflicted is a violent one. All affected individuals will likely begin to rampage, assaulting anyone in sight. While normally this sort of effect may lead someone to ignore their own loved ones, due to their internal positive feelings about them, Ekon brings one's most negative, vengeful and mistrustful feelings to the surface, causing even life-long lovers to process the things they loathe most about one another at the very forefront, with these feelings vastly amplified to the point of violence. Because of the way Ekon works, it can easily be used within a crowd of people -- or even within the ranks of an army -- to produce a ceaseless bloodbath, people prioritizing their need for what they perceive as vengeance even above their own survival. While under this effect, the eyes of all victims will glow a deep red.

Kaghan: Atrophy
Kaghan is an ability meant to foster further advantage, a tool that Latham may use to seek out his vengeance with a skewed outcome. It is why, as the would-be Lesser God of Vengeance, he is such a devastating duelist. Kaghan allows him to bleed corruption through his Mark of Vengeance, which has multiple damaging effects. First, it causes for the target of his Sworn Revenge to take on more dramatic repercussions from Mageblight, and may trigger it on an enemy who has yet to succumb to it. Secondly, it will result in any present wound producing an atrophy effect, weakening the enemy and opening up the potential for the corruption of their wounds, a potentially lethal infection. Atrophy can be dangerously effective on mages and warriors alike, and requires only a minor amount of Divinity to inflict. The most devastating part of Atrophy is that, with further Divinity, it can be increasingly escalated in severity until worse stages of Mageblight or corruption become a certainty, making Latham a capable mage-slayer, though Ascended magi - with their moderate Mageblight resistance - still stand a chance.

Ikhan: Justicar's Command
Justicar's Command sits at the core of Authority. It twists his authority, through Divinity, to compel others with little path towards resistance. Latham can perform Ikhan in one of two ways: one, he can specifically target individuals to issue compelling orders to (a much more powerful effect), or, he can yell out commands in Mor'drub, the language of Bel, with these commands not needing to be understood in order to leave their impression. His voice will boom out violently, as if tearing through the veil itself, clapping outward in a thunderous uproar. This ability has a lot of variation in its application, but there are a few general nuances to consider: one, he cannot force someone far outside of the realm of what they would naturally do, unless they are somewhat weak-willed. For example, he cannot command strong-willed enemies to fight for him. However, even strong-willed foes can have their path altered. For example, he may command them all to attack him and focus on no one else. Typically, the more powerful the individual he is attempting to command (at least in regards to opposition), the more Divinity he must expend. If Latham is simply issuing orders to allies or even neutral individuals, he can generally force them into line en masse without expending a considerable amount of Divinity.

- Domain Abilities
Annihilation: Hellish Breach
As one of Latham's ultimate abilities as a Draedan, he is capable of temporarily shattering the veil between planes of reality and blending them together at a specific point. The realities are essentially mirrored, yet they blend into one another seamlessly, with a person able to freely walk in-between Bel and Muid (for example) if they are both tied together. This produces a strange, yet stunning effect, one that can extend outward for up a mile. What is truly dangerous about Hellish Breach is that it allows the conditions of the planes to bleed into one another, as well; the corruption of Bel could spew into the living world, the noxious elements of the Outlands could do the same, or even the absence of gravity. Hellish Breach allows Latham to invade planes, capable of sending forth his Dregs through the rift and into their opposed plane, where they can traverse without restriction. Of course, this does not allow Corrupted Gods through Bel (as they remain locked within), but opens up the possibility for sending out true horrors into the living world, or perhaps even the well-intentioned into other realms. Hellish Breach, as one of Latham's Domains, expends less Divinity than one might expect, but can still overwhelm him if abused. He determines the proportions of these dimensional staples, and therefore can either expend minor amounts of Divinity, or vast quantities if he opens them too wide.

Authority: Rebuke
Rebuke is an unfair ability, but it is also one that comes near the peak of Latham's true ascension to that of a Lesser God. It is incredibly simple: Latham may automatically perform it on the target of his Sworn Revenge, banishing them to the plane of Bel, within the Mantle of Arun. After doing so, he may simply select a new target for his Sworn Revenge, and can do the same to them. Rebuke, due to the way it forces another to Bel even despite their soul's resistance, is a costly ability that consumes a significant amount of Divinity. However, considering it can be used to force a foe into a near inescapable position and within the Draedan's own turf, the resulting dread can easily be considered worth it. Latham can choose at the moment of Rebuking a foe to follow them to exactly where they are in Bel, isolating them against his wroth. Rebuke can only be performed on someone in Latham's presence.

Vengeance: Trespasser
With this ability, Latham finally ascends to that of Lesser Godhood, and becomes capable of smiting those who slight him, even from afar. This is akin to a first glimpse at omnipotence, the greatest aspect of Divinity that the Creator-Gods themselves wield over their domains. Trespasser acts as a passive and activated ability: Latham becomes able to feel vengeance, injustice, a desire for retribution. He can hear when others call on his name, whether in prayer or malice, and he can vengefully feel when others attempt to spite or harm him even with mere words. This ability is called Trespasser because he is capable of hearing and observing these things even through a breach between planes, and can penetrate the veil of realities in order to do harm. Depending on the severity of the slight, Latham can seek his revenge with sudden, crushing pain, immobility and atrophy (as seen before), or even physical retribution, though non-lethally. For example, if someone were to slay one of his friends, he could force them to the ground and assault their senses with a taste of pure immiserating agony. Worst still, this ability can be channeled even when in his presence: striking Latham can result in being struck back, with his Divinity channeling anguish and vulnerability into the aggressor. In many ways, Latham's divine powers serve as tools of deterrence and retribution, encouraging others not to draw his ire. No ability does so more than Trespasser, simply for its ability to invoke agonizing suffering without escape or recourse. Upon mastering Trespasser, Latham can apply Sworn Revenge to up to six foes at once.

- Acquired Abilities
Athrimab: Vessel

Re: Taelian's Plot Notes

Posted: Mon Jan 13, 2020 7:16 pm
by Taelian Edevane

Taelian's Lorien Plot: Political Ascension

As Taelian has spent more and more time in Lorien, his commitment to returning to Sil-Elaine has waivered. A taste of power, wealth and prestige has largely led him to turn his back on the people of his homeland, and he has become more 'Rien' as time has passed.

Now a Celebrant and Thespian of the Covenant, Taelian's ambitions have grown. The Lord has grown a strong interest in helping to sculpt the remade Lorien once the civil war ends.

To this end, I would like for Taelian to become the Count of Kastran, in the Duchy of the West End. Step-by-step, this is how I imagine things will go, per your approval. This plot will heavily involve Prince Franz Revenlow, who will become a pivotal character in this plot as well as Taelian's future stories in Lorien.

1: I will develop the County of Kastran OOC and submit it for approval in the Lorien Community Forum.
2: Prince Franz Revenlow, of the royal family, will relocate from Westfalen to Gretzen (the capital of Kastran) in order to assure his safety, after an assassination attempt by a Wohlricht. This assassination attempt will be stopped by Taelian, who will kill the Wohlricht at the end of the struggle.
3: Prince Franz will reside in the castle-estate of the Count, and Taelian will be asked to become his bodyguard, residing in the room adjacent to his in the west wing of the castle.
4: As the two bond and spend more time in one another's company, Taelian and Prince Franz become lovers. While some within the Covenant know, it is largely kept a secret.
5: More personally invested in Prince Franz's safety, Taelian begins to investigate the ongoings in the castle they're residing in. Over time, he realizes that the Count of Kastran has strong business relations with several key figures linked to the Omen, and may be leaking information from the rebellion to the Omen, such as troop movements and war strategies.
6: This information is determined to be correct. Prince Franz and Taelian meet with Duke Matthias Alderset to report this information, and the Prince states that they will handle the crisis so long as - at the end - Taelian is elevated to the position of Count in place of the treasonous vassal.
7: Taelian asks Eloise for her help in acquiring this position, on the promise that he never pursues her position as Umpire of the Covenant. She accepts.
8: The plot unfolds. Taelian is sent to arrest the Count of Kastran, accompanied by a few other mages of the Covenant, and after some resistance he and his family are rounded up. He is executed by Duke Matthias.
9: After abruptly divorcing Lord Wendell Venger, Taelian is elevated to the position of Count of Kastran.
10: After this occurs, it is publicly declared that he and Prince Franz will marry at the end of the season, publicly staking his future on the hope that House Revenlow will remain the royal family at the end of the rebellion.

I realize the long-term implications of this plot are great, but I fully expect it to take multiple seasons and require quite a bit of threading, and I think the story and pace are quite reasonable. Please let me know your thoughts, and if I have the go-ahead! Thank you!

Re: Taelian's Plot Notes

Posted: Sat Jan 18, 2020 6:39 pm
by Taelian Edevane


Taelian's Rune is compelled towards the depths of the sea - the darkness, where Veravend once resided, and where she continues to reside in his mind. As a result of this fixation, his Rune longs to resemble the predatory nature of the lurkers of the deep seas, and learns to act as they do.

Rune Location: Drawn across Taelian's scalp, completely concealed from view by his hair.

Initiator: Lethiril Vil'Ardevin
Patrons: Elven Gods

Shadowbringer - Apprentice
As the base of the motif, Taelian - the Shadowbringer, his Rune dubs him - can summon raw darkness from the Stygian Grave, filling an area with stark blackness that even those with perfected nightvision cannot adequately see through. He appears to do so not through a portal, but through his Rune itself, fundamentally changing the area around him by rapidly consuming light. To those around him, this will appear almost as if he is turning the light off gradually, as everything fades into total pitch-black obscurity. Of course, this effect does consume aether for its initial effect to take place, and the larger the radius around him the more it costs. However, it is not immensely consumptive and it does not drain him over time. As a result, Taelian can reliably employ this quirk in combat, and will often do so as an opener.

As a base-line, there are multiple stages of obscurity around the Shadowbringer. From twenty to thirty meters out from Taelian, the Quirk only dims light, though starkly; from five to twenty meters out, it obscures the area in total darkness that only bright light sources can penetrate, but only for a distance of a meter and a half before those lights fade out. Five meters out from Taelian, and up to his physical body, all light sources become completely consumed and Taelian - as the epicenter - is even partly obscured from Semblance, challenging the magic's ability to view him and demanding more aether in order to do so.

Taelian can expand the radius of the light-consuming effect, but requires concentration in order to do so. He will also, as mentioned previously, need to add more aether along with focusing in order to expand the borders of the obscuring aura. The greater he extends this effect, the more he must focus while expanding it: once the boundaries of the darkness have reached several hundred feet outward, Taelian must engage in nigh-meditation in order to continue to broaden its borders.

Only Archetypes native to the deep sea of the Stygian Grave can reliably move through this darkness, as they have evolved to navigate through it. Taelian's Black Sun quirk already provides him with excellent vision in the darkness, but Shadowbringer expands upon that, his eyes evolving to be able to see through the darkness of the Stygian Grave. An immediate physical change appears to come alongside this: while within the darkness, Taelian's eyes are colored an almost ebony shade of dark purple, his pupils seemingly disappearing. His irises appear to carry a faint magical glow of the same color, as if aether were running through the orbs.

Abyssopelagic - Journeyman
Taelian begins to develop bioluminescent lights upon certain parts of his body, similar to the ones manifest by deep sea creatures. These lights run along tattoo-like patterns along his sides (where his ribs are located), as well as long the length of his forearm and the lower half of his biceps. They are colored a bluish-white and appear often as small dots, surrounding intricate patterns that appear to be runic symbols written in the language of Thultu, and the Lost Fathoms. Importantly, these bioluminescent lights act as a weakness to Taelian: while he is within five feet of an individual, and especially when within three feet of them, the lights will slightly pierce through the intense darkness of Shadowbringer and allow his prey a window of opportunity to view him.

Anglerfish - Expert
Taelian is able to create traps within two hundred feet of himself for a small amount of aether. These traps appear very similar to Anglerfish bulbs, bright organic-looking lights within the darkness that vaguely illuminate objects around them. If any, save for Taelian, his Archetypes or his designated allies, enter within two meters of these bulbs they will explode and immediately trigger their effect. The bulbs appear to summon the pressure of an oceanic floor onto the target, applying immense weight down onto those struck by the trap and forcing them immediately to the ground. This pressure lasts for roughly ten seconds upon triggering, though the extremely physically capable can rebound, partially cutting down the time they're pressed against the ground. Taelian is able to create these bulbs on the ground or in the air, and can create them in a period a little over a second. If the effect is triggered on a target who is in the air, they will immediately nosedive into the ground, making a hard impact with the floor. The pressure is conjured directly from Veravend's realm, the Stygian Grave, the weight of its deep gorge summoned onto the struck foe.

Bile of the Betrayer - Master
As Taelian performs more Summoning abilities, and summons more Archetypes, something he calls 'Veravend's Bile' begins to bleed into his system through the small tether carried between them, leaking in with each use of Summoning, and particularly more intense uses. This is comparable to a deep sea phenomena known as 'marine snow', with the waste from the Shrouded Realm trickling into his system. The more bile within Taelian's system, the more poisoned he becomes, weakening him progressively until he becomes nearly immobile. Considering this may often be paired with overstepping through elongated usage of Summoning, it can become both highly debilitating and deadly if managed poorly. Taelian can expend aether to forcefully purge his system of some of the bile contents, physically vomiting what appears to be black waste. Most effective is recalling his Summons, even his Eidolon so that he may recover rather than accruing more bile.

The more bile he has accumulated, the more poisonous Taelian becomes, affecting his blades from Umbral Natant. A great amount of bile, while weakening him, can allow him to inflict others with highly fast-acting and lethal poison, but due to his increasing weakness it becomes more difficult to apply such effects.

Umbral Natant - Master
To begin with, Umbral Natant begins with the emergence of two, long blades with a slight crescent-like edge along the length of each of his arms, grown from his skin at will at the expense of a small amount of aether. Along the lengths of each blade are four more blades welded, spanning outward with a half-crescent shape, each appearing like blade-shaped glaives, or even fins. The entire blade can retract or rise from each arm quickly and at-will, and can therefore be switched to or utilized fluidly. The durability of these blades is intense: they are difficult to penetrate or shatter, and given their harsh cutting power, they are expert at cleaving through other weapons even of less mundane make and materials. The blades appear to be, unsurprisingly, magical in nature if one purely regards their cutting power. This magical nature demonstrates itself further in what the blades can do when detached.

The blades can be gripped and removed from Taelian's arms, but only by his own hands. They will easily snap off, cleanly severing at the point of their emergence along his forearms. They can just as easily be snapped onto his legs, or beneath his feet, allowing for them to be used as bladed skates or as tools for high-velocity swimming. Taelian can also attach them to his back, and by channeling a somewhat significant amount of aether into the blades he can force them to expand and allow for an advanced usage. They will become long, bladed wings upon his back, not only capable of swimming but gliding and flying through darkness. This is only possible in darkness, though the night, Shadowbringer's fog and the ocean all allow for this. Further, the more poisoned Taelian is by Bile of the Betrayer, the more poisonous the length of these blades will become. Taelian can also manipulate the blades, allowing them to outstretch and pursue foes for up to ten feet as lethal, high-powered tendrils.

Re: Taelian's Plot Notes

Posted: Mon Jan 20, 2020 8:53 pm
by Taelian Edevane
The Son of Tyranny


The Conception
Damien Ela'Rannoch first met "Jack" in the form of his projection, a strangely alluring red-haze that lingered within the enclosed space. In the early days of his relationship with his would-be wife, back then Liara Sil'Morian, Damien and the woman would often attend the gatherings of a small cult that communed in secret, within the grimy streets of the Pyred Bedlam. These days were of a time before the Black Remedy rose to prominence, before there were any stirs of rebellion. The stirs, instead, dwelt within the minds of Sil-Elaine's inhabitants, who dreamt of other ways to live free and outside of the Dranoch's bounds. Liberation was a fantasy of theirs, but one never indulged by reality. No matter how often they prayed to the Gods -- and no matter how many died for being found to be worshipers of the Living Pantheon - no hand extended out to them from the heavens.

The people most desperate, then, would often look below. They wondered if the occult, if the Corrupted, could offer them what the Lords of Muid could not. Valteran had created the crisis they lived in; it was clear that even those locked in Bel had the power to influence the uncorrupted world. Curiosity, and youth, led the two curious lovers to fall into Jaxkael's cult where they prayed to him, and made their offerings. Liara of wealth, Damien of blood. When the God finally appeared, he would speak to them and entertain their thoughts. It was a rarity for any Divine Adac to present themselves to a lowly crowd of worshipers, yet the subjugation of the Elainians had interested the man, and the swell of worship in him, doubly so.

Jack made promises of power and freedom to the cultists, if only they bound their souls to him. He spoke of Bel as a sort of paradise for the soul: a place for it to live out an afterlife of meaning and authority. He vaguely referred to the Endless War, and how fighting in opposition to Valteran could help them free their people from their shackles, diminishing the influence of the Dranoch. Jaxkael told them many things, and often he omitted truths, or spoke deceptively. Still, eventually most of the members of his 'congregation' swore their souls to him in death, providing the God with what he wanted.

At this point, he began to play games with the ones that stayed, the ones that kept coming for their worship. Premier among those who had caught his interest were the two young lovers, Liara and Damien, who swore the bond of the Arlaed with one another upon devoting their souls to the fallen God. They believed that doing so would keep them together even in Bel, and that they would live a longer and more prosperous life on Atharen. Perhaps most importantly, they wanted to try to have a child, and it was well-known among Sil'norai that the 'bond' could help to resist the sterilizing effects of corruption. The two began to pray to Jaxkael as well, that they could have a child; a healthy one, a powerful one, capable of piercing through the oppressive heart of the Court of Dusk, living as a free man, unlike them and their own parents.

And the God granted their wish. He asked that Damien sleep in the cave that kept his altar, alone, so that he could provide him with the 'potency' necessary to ensure their success. When the time came and the Sil'norai man slept among the cold stones, Jaxkael projected himself through his altar and converged upon him, assaulting him with his depraved will. That night, the Corrupted had his way with the man, and imprinted him with the resource necessary for him to have a child: his own seed. Disturbed - even traumatized - Damien returned to his home and, following Jaxkael's command, he slept with Liara that night in an attempt to give her a child.

But Liara did not have a child. Like many Sil'norai women, she was entirely sterile long before the two had even met, and the two would never bear a child with one another even despite the bond. Jaxkael's gift was simply another game: the child instead rested within Damien, who he wished to mock and humiliate, forcing him to bear through the disgust and shame of carrying a child. The impossibility was made possible by divine will, but with immense shame and stigma attached. Most Gods who bore children with mortals - regardless of their sex - chose to conceive them through divine means, but Jaxkael chose to make Damien suffer. And he did. The trauma of carrying a corrupted spawn was perhaps most pertinently, the corruption of one's self. As Jaxkael's imprint on Damien's form grew, he became more and more corrupted. When the time finally came for the child to be born, he had nowhere to let it go. It was ripped from his chest by his fellow cultists and praised as a gift from their God; almost like a messianic savior from the Dranoch, who they believed now had numbered days.

As time went on, Damien and Liara separated from that old life. The corruption of Damien worsened, and Liara experienced the same, their bonded souls sharing in the rot of the God-King. They both became ill, falling deeper into poverty, and isolating themselves from others. As Taelian grew, his 'mother' - who shared no blood with him - became increasingly distant from him, believing him to be devil-spawn, a cruel reminder of the deception and abuse the two had experienced at the hands of Jaxkael; a permanent, visible scar on them. Worst of all, a premonition that before long, they would die -- and their souls would be pulled to Bel, for the deal they had made without any perceived benefit. Just a shorter life, a life of worsened suffering. Damien, at least, was glad to have a child. Though Taelian's conception had caused him no shortage of agony and shame, the two quickly bonded and became inseparable through their years. He saw not the child of a Corrupted God, but his child, filled with life and love.

Unfortunately, Jaxkael did fulfill his end of the deal before long. He had offered the two freedom, and power. As the two succumbed to the corruption that had come as a result of their child, they gained their freedom from Sil-Elaine. As they emerged within their new home, they became akin to Dregs, marauders of his in the Endless War, with no choice but to comply. Taelian's parents were bound to Bel, and he was alone. And so began his life.

Taelian would never learn a great number of things that all of this meant for him. That Jaxkael wanted his parents dead or gone to 'harden' him, to make him strong. That Taelian was never made a Famished - not even partially - because he couldn't be one, and all of the mystery and frustration around breaking his soul was all meaningless blustering by his Jailor-Lord. That he, believing he was one, continued to live life thinking he held no proper emotion: a placebo, obscuring the real truth; that his difficult life, the death of his parents and his abandonment of hope and meaning, had led him to the grimness of a Famished worldview on its own. He was not made demented by Aldrin's touch, but by that of the world that had treated him so poorly, even among those unfortunate enough to be born in the Bedlam of the gutter of the world.

Yet, despite all of that, Taelian did manage to step towards a normal life -- he managed to find love, to find joy, to find meaning and soul. To find a purpose, and even to become strong as Jaxkael had wanted. In many ways, the misbegotten child proved that he could overcome any and all obstacles thrown, but -- that may not be the case for long.

As his child continues to prosper and grow, a father's gaze returns to him. A Draedan is a seed planted, one whom a parent hopes will grow, if only so that they will take their place as an asset in time. As the Son of Tyranny begins to fully bloom, Jaxkael's eyes fall back upon him, perhaps not to again look away.

Re: Taelian's Plot Notes

Posted: Tue Feb 11, 2020 8:37 am
by Taelian Edevane


Bereich von Kastran

Kastran encompasses a vast territory to the northwest of the Duchy. It has some of the largest lorianum mines in Lorien, though its settlements are largely divided into small coastal fishing hubs, garrisoned by Hollows as well as Argent Knights, ensuring the Kingdom's western coast is safe from pirates and other scourge. Kastran is almost entirely covered in dense woodlands, and the few settlements it does have tend to be a collection of forest homes and cabins strewn throughout the forest grounds, often within walking distance of the coast. It does wield a medium-sized city within a valley known as Retzen, surrounded by forestry as well as lorianum-rich peaks. Retzen is one of the natural resource capitals of Lorien, and it is a wildly rich city as a result, with an elite population in the city's interior district, and a vast number of merchant companies and Knights-in-training on the exterior. Kastran is known to have a surplus population of Knights, with an Argent-rich populace and a strong military tradition.

Population: 1,361,937, as of the Glade 4621 census.
Imports: Textiles, Perfumes, Grain, Art, Porcelainware
Exports: Lumber, Minerals, Manufactured Goods, Hollows and Lorianum, Ships, Furs
Wealth: High
Location: Map

Military Power: Very High
Naval Power: Moderate
Infrastructure: Moderate

Climate and Terrain
Kastran differs from much of Lorien in that the western half of the County is not submerged within a perpetual state of frost. Castle Ward, at the mouth of Retzen, is considered to be a doorway to more favorable terrain; the coastline and valleys to Retzen's west are mostly temperate, arboreal lands with dense evergreen forestry and an abundance of life. Though Kastran is divided from much of the West End by high peaks, the interior of the region lacks mountainous obstructions, only modest hills dotting the forested wilds.

Kastran's coastline and riverbanks are where most of its people live, and their food needs are largely met through fishing and hunting, performed by Hollows. Shipments of food from other Counties across the West End are common due to Kastran's low density of farmlands, a direct result of the realm's arboreal biome.

Given Kastran's location within the world, temperatures in Frost are very low, though with ideal summers that often draw the West End's wealthiest elite to the realm's shoreline. Glade and Ash tend to be largely moderate, with Glade tending to be warmer while Ash is largely viewed as a preliminary winter.

Retzen is the capital of the Bereich (or County) of Kastran, and doubles as its largest city. With a population of around three hundred thousand, it is considered a medium-sized city for Lorien. Retzen is the first city in what is known as the Autumn Belt, a string of urban centers along or near the western coast of the West End that are known for their agreeable climates, relative to the remainder of the famously inhospitable Kingdom. Because of Kastran's climate and militaristic culture, the County is far less centralized within urban centers than most other regions of Lorien, with a large number of small towns and villages scattered through its dense forests. Retzen serves as the greatest single exception to this, with a greater urban area that accounts for more than a third of the County's population.

Retzen is a very wealthy city. Per capita, it is second in wealth only to Astoria, the prevalence of nearby, rich lorianum mines creating a surplus of wealthy Lustrians, with the city one of Lorien's greatest manufacturers of Hollows. Retzen is known to be quaint, orderly and clean, with accessible social amenities and good infrastructure, contrary to many of the 'wilder' townships that exist along Kastran's frontier.

The city is known to be one of the few to deviate from the typical system of Argent-Chevalier guardsmen, instead having Chevaliers hold officer positions while the majority of police are members of the Savant caste. These police are members of a bureaucratic organization known as the Greyguard, a fairly elite force that specializes in investigation and deterrence. Greyguard are known for their grey trench coats and black flat caps, and they are a present and visible force on Retzen's streets.

Retzen is home to one of Lorien's more renowned opera houses, Der Singvogel, which sits along the edge of its massive, historic walkway littered with shops and night culture.


Castle Ward
Castle Ward is the home to the sitting Count of Kastran. Set between two peaks on each side, the darkly colored, elegant palace once served as a fort, guarding the region before Lorien's unification. The fort of old has long since been demolished, with remnants of its outer boundaries scattered about, hundreds of meters beyond the bounds of the castle. Ward was built in its place as a reminder, the peaks surrounding it serving as scenic companions to the expansive structure. Castle Ward is a horizontally built structure with a long east and west wing, with wide balconies along the length of each wing that serve as places of recreation in the warmer months. The interior of the palace is industrial in appearance, with dark wooden furniture, satin curtains and modern accents all centered by a decorated foyer and grand stairwell. The castle is known to be dimly lit, with its blackish grey walls making the atmosphere somewhat haunting.

The courtyard of Castle Ward, as well as its castle gardens, are located behind the structure. The courtyard is very expansive, allowing room for hundreds of guests. It is paved with smooth, light-colored brick, surrounded by bushes of flowers, hedge and misshapen, almost gnarled trees that form sculpture-like poses and often branch into one another, merging at their limbs. Beyond the courtyard is a vast field, and beyond that is Regenstadt, a more modern fortress and the headquarters of Kastran's regional Argent Knighthood. As one wanders past Regenstadt and through a short cliff chasm, Retzen lies along the edges of those great overlooking peaks, not far from Castle Ward.

Created by Taelian.

Re: Taelian's Plot Notes

Posted: Mon Apr 20, 2020 10:13 am
by Taelian Edevane
Racial Ability - Sundered
After being saturated in ethereal energy for so long, magic for the Sil'norai is a volatile if comely element. Sil'norai, due to the magic practically embedded into them by the Bleeding, have learned to endure the effects of Magithermal Entropy better than other races, garnering an inherent resistance to such backlash. This allows them to act as if they have more arcane stamina, giving them a small edge over other mages. This also marginally decreases the risk of death from magical initiation, meaning they are more commonly mages than other races, at least outside of Sil-Elaine.

Sigilic Pyromancy

Mutation Theme
Ebon Duelist

Taelian's Mark of Sigilic Pyromancy -- or the Black Sigil -- follows a thematic assembly of traits, known to him as a motif. This motif has been titled 'the Ebon Duelist' by Taelian, due to the focus of his quirks on exceeding the capabilities of a singular foe. They have trained his body and Mark to go toe-to-toe with the quicker and deadlier Dranoch, forging him into a Pyromantic duelist of little comparison.

Mark Location: Taelian's Black Sigil is on the back of his neck, more visible with shorter hair, though the bottom part of it is always visible unless concealed.

The Black Sun - Apprentice
The Black Sun is a melodramatic name for a fairly unspectacular quirk. Taelian's eyes, still ivory in color, are now surrounded by a perpetually lit and vibrantly colored ring of flame, acting as an outer glow. While this normally has little effect, it allows him to see much better in the dark, as his eyes act as a self-sustaining form of illumination. As a downside, stealth and subterfuge become more difficult for the Ebon Knight, whose eyes cast a directional light on whatever he is currently looking at.

Affliction of Ash - Journeyman
Taelian's Beacon acts much like a sun. While it provides him with warmth and illumination, it is as likely to overreach and burn him as a partial-Famished. This Quirk is an almost physical interpretation of that unfortunate polarity. When Taelian sustains considerable physical damage, and particularly heavy damage dealt to internal organs, his Beacon begins to churn vividly either due to a loss in control or as an internalized attempt to reach out and protect him. What this does is emit what is essentially a soul-effecting solar flare, the Beacon extending beyond its boundaries and cindering the edges of Taelian's essence. While this can be recovered from, the immediate effects are starkly grim.

Taelian will quite literally appear to flake into what looks like ash. Large sections of his skin will become dead and will begin to peel from his flesh, which itself is weakened by this backlash. His bones will become more brittle and his Sigilic Pyromancy unstable, thrashing out in indeterminate directions as likely to thrash an ally as a foe. Healing for Taelian is an arduous process and one that requires his Beacon essentially be rekindled after surging wildly out of control. Wounds inflicted upon Taelian after this condition takes effect can only be healed through the use of fire or cauterization. While it will not cause scarring, the Beacon inside of Taelian draws in the power of the fire using it to heal Taelian's soul and body, it will not lessen the pain of quite literally being burned alive. A lesson in the cost of power, while grueling to endure, it will ensure a complete recovery for him. A 'glass cannon', some would call him, Taelian burns brightly but ultimately becomes stunningly easy to kill with a well-placed attack, the Affliction nearly guaranteeing his death if he is not extricated from the field.

Gallow Warrior - Expert
The premier thematic Quirk of Taelian's motif, Gallow Warrior allows Taelian to manipulate his Enkindled weapons almost freely, and with great precision. He embeds nearly every fiber of their metal with Enkindled properties, allowing him to manipulate them as if they were cinders of flame through Pyrokinetics; suspending them at will and precisely controlling their movements. Though they keep their shape and appearance, cindered cracks will run across their form like with all Enkindled weapons. Taelian can seemingly perform this on any weapon with carbon in it, which he welds with particles of Shrivenflame in order to manipulate the weaponry. He can only manipulate these Enkindled weapons up to twenty feet away from him, and only up to six at once. Emblem cannot be channeled through these weapons, as it requires a physical grasp. Finally, these weapons and their dexterity are predicated upon the weapon skill they're based on.

This Quirk comes with a permanent physical change. A fiery-red, searing line will run across the length of Taelian's spine, permanently glowing warmly. This ends not far above his tailbone in height.

Ebon Paladin - Master
Ebon Paladin applies a singular but notable change to Taelian's Sigilic Pyromancy: as a warrior meant to lash out against the undying, his Sigilic Pyromancy techniques will now home in on the foes he has designated, so long as they fit certain criteria. All Dranoch, Liches (including proto), Strigoi, Necromancy-constructs, other undead and mortal entities who have lived beyond their natural span of life may be designated as 'targets' by his Enkindled weapons and Shrivenflame. This will not only force his weapons and techniques to follow after them with greater alacrity, including the swings and lunges of his wielded weapons, but to follow after them for a radius of up to fifty feet, enhancing the range of Gallow Warrior if in pursuit of such targets. Even with sharp turns and pivots, his weapons and flame will continue to follow their chosen foes aggressively, forcing them to fight on the backfoot of an escalating series of coordinated assaults.

Knight of the Pyred Bedlam - Master
The final Quirk of the Ebon Duelist, Knight of the Pyred Bedlam allows for Taelian to manipulate the carbon within his Enkindled weapons by superheating it, allowing him to change its composition. This enables Taelian to dramatically increase the durability of his Enkindled weapons by increasing their carbon density, making the weapons he wields nearly impervious to damage. As a result, Taelian gains an advantage in parrying, blocking and countering with his Enkindled weapons. This change is so profound that they appear to be able to block and reflect nearly anything, including weaker or more concentrated arcane attacks. He may additionally alter their carbon to become less dense, increasing sharpness and mobility at the cost of durability. While this appears a simple alteration to his Sigilic weaponmastery, it has profound effects on his dueling capabilities.

As a downside to all of his Quirks, now -- a sweeping trend overlaying his motif -- Taelian must now pursue and kill all undying so long as he is aware of what they are. Dranoch, Liches, specters haunting the physical world and others who have unnaturally extended their lives far beyond what is normal; Taelian's Beacon commands him to kill them and he will not relent in his violent pursuit of such individuals. The mental compulsion is strong enough to override almost any factor, reason or sense of self-preservation.

As a final change, the most dramatic aesthetic difference comes now with the motif. Taelian's body appears to change somewhat like an Enkindled weapon; cracks of flame are scattered at random throughout his body, isolated scars, almost molten in appearance. Most prominently these scars appear to line directly beneath his collarbone, along his sides above his waist and adonis belt, and coiling around his upper legs like a crown of cinders around each limb.


Image Here
Mutation Theme

Lorem Ipsum Dolor.

Human-like stuff. Wip.

Re: Taelian's Plot Notes

Posted: Thu Apr 23, 2020 12:12 pm
by Taelian Edevane
Skill List

Skill List

SkillSkill LevelProficiency
Blades 100/100 Master
Bodybuilding 70/100 Journeyman
Unarmed Combat 41/100 Apprentice
Running 30/100 Apprentice
Acrobatics 25/100 Novice
Politics 100/100 Master
Investigation 100/100 Master
Leadership 100/100 Master
Spycraft 60/100 Journeyman
Tactics 24/100 Novice
Hunting 5/100 Novice
Sigilic Pyromancy 100/100 Master
Resonance 100/100 Master
Summoning 59/100 Journeyman
Mentalism 13/100 Novice
Necromancy 5/100 Novice
Artifice 0/100 Novice

Skill Ledger

ThreadPoints AwardedPoints SpentRunning Total
Taelian: Introductory I+55 [Blades] 0
Taelian and Lethiril+55 [Blades] 0
Reflective Glance+55 [Blades] 0
Sigil and Flame+8 3 [Acrobatics] 5 [Sigilic Pyromancy]0
Show Me+8 8 [Blades] 0
The Hunt: Part One+55 [Acrobatics] 0
The Hunt: Part Two+52 [Sigilic Pyromancy] 2 [Acrobatics] 1 [Blades] 0
The Hunt: Part Three+55 [Sigilic Pyromancy] 0
The Hunt: Part Four+52 [Sigilic Pyromancy] 3 [Running] 0
Magic Potion+8 8 [Sigilic Pyromancy] 0
A Silver Seam+10 5 [Politics] 5 [Investigation]0
Leave+55 [Sigilic Pyromancy] 0
The Verge+55 [Sigilic Pyromancy] 0
Show Me: II+8 8 [Running] 0
Forging Bonds+8 4 [Running] 4 [Spycraft]0
The Verge: Part Two+55 [Spycraft] 0
Only Angels+55 [Spycraft] 0
Some Things Never Change+55 [Summoning] 0
The Unknown+55 [Summoning] 0
Binding+55 [Summoning] 0
The Ebon Waltz+55 [Summoning] 0
Another Night+88 [Spycraft] 0
Darker Than Blue+55 [Summoning] 0
Unity+55 [Summoning] 0
Bad Man+55 [Sigilic Pyromancy] 0
The Emblem+55 [Sigilic Pyromancy] 0
The Flower+55 [Blades] 0
Close to Home+55 [Blades] 0
Not Secure+55 [Blades] 0
With Me+55 [Blades] 0
Days Away+55 [Sigilic Pyromancy] 0
The Stars of a Forgotten Year+55 [Bodybuilding] 0
The Lark+55 [Bodybuilding] 0
Tribunal+55 [Bodybuilding] 0
Eyes Into Melitene+55 [Bodybuilding] 0
The Rift: I+55 [Transposition] 0
The Rift: II+55 [Transposition] 0
The Kindling+83 [Spycraft] 5 [Bodybuilding]0
Steam and Spark+88 [Blades] 0
The Rift: III+55 [Transposition] 0
The Tumble+85 [Blades] 3 [Sigilic Pyromancy] 0
What He Means+55 [Blades] 0
The Rift: IV+55 [Transposition] 0
The Rift: V+55 [Transposition] 0
The Unnamed Custom+55 [Politics] 0
The Unnamed Custom: II+55 [Politics] 0
The Unnamed Custom: III+55 [Transposition] 0
A Little Help Over Here+88 [Sigilic Pyromancy] 0
Roots+53 [Sigilic Pyromancy] 2 [Summoning] 0
Ard Fuil+88 [Blades] 0
After A While+55 [Politics] 0
The War To Come?+55 [Reaving] 0
The Move+55 [Spycraft] 0
We're Here, Melitene+55 [Transposition] 0
Beta Tester Reward+105 [Transposition] 5 [Spycraft] 0
Oh Eleanor+55 [Spycraft] 0
Never What You Want+55 [Spycraft] 0
Nodeist Colony+55 [Transposition] 0
The Breath+55 [Sigilic Pyromancy] 0
Hunters: Part One+55 [Sigilic Pyromancy] 0
Hunters: Part Two+54 [Sigilic Pyromancy] 1 [Summoning]0
Wardens+55 [Transposition] 0
Within The Wilderness+88 [Transposition] 0
Two Stories+85 [Bodybuilding] 3 [Summoning]0
The Eye+55 [Running] 0
Lost Glory+55 [Transposition] 0
Reignition+55 [Spycraft] 0
The Cage: Part One+55 [Transposition] 0
The Cage: Part Two+55 [Transposition] 0
The Cage: Part Three+55 [Spycraft] 0
The Cage: Part Four+55 [Transposition] 0
The Cage: Part Five+55 [Spycraft] 0
Fleshless+55 [Necromancy] 0
The Game+55 [Hunting] 0
And When The Morning Comes+85 [Summoning] 3 [Bodybuilding]0
A Trail of Shed Skin+88 [Bodybuilding]0
The Stay+88 [Transposition]0
Windows Into Moonlight+88 [Transposition]0
Facing the Nightmare+85 [Transposition] 3 [Bodybuilding]0
New Horizons+88 [Unarmed Combat]0
City Folk+88 [Unarmed Combat]0
A Sentimental Story+87 [Unarmed Combat] 1 [Transposition]0
Server Restoration Reward+302 [Unarmed Combat] 1 [Bodybuilding] 25 [Investigation] 2 [Politics]0
Every Moment Of Ours+88 [Unarmed Combat] 0
The Longer Stay+88 [Unarmed Combat] 0
Queendom Come+1010 [Politics] 0
How Does One Respond To Threats?+1010 [Summoning] 0
When One Eye Closes, Another Opens+88 [Summoning] 0
A Mountain's Bones+88 [Elementalism] 0
The Crawl+2020 [Leadership] 0
Facing The Sun+88 [Leadership] 0
Precious Goods+88 [Leadership] 0
The Choice Of Power+88 [Leadership] 0
Control+55 [Leadership] 0
The Fourth Element+88 [Tactics] 0
The Hour+2020 [Save] 20
Aspirations+2020 [Save] 40
When Great Trees Fall+2020 [Save] 60
Lord Wendell, Ser Lange+55 [Save] 65
Finders Keepers+2020 [Save] 85
Silent Dawn+55 [Save] 90
The Sigil Fades+55 [Save] 95
Somnus+55 [Save] 100
Unbroken+55 [Save] 105
Stake Out+1212 [Save] 117
Whole+1212 [Save] 129
The End Of An Era+55 [Save] 134
Draedan Magic Conversion+27299 [Sworn Revenge] 99 [Lightborn] 74 [Sunbane] 134
XP Expenditure-571 [Lightborn] 1 [Sworn Revenge] 5 [Blades] 50 [Investigation] 77
XP Expenditure-7726 [Sunbane] 48 [Politics] 1 [Gatebreaker] 1 [Daybreak] 1 [Dreg-King]0
Evil In Human Clothing III+88 [Leadership] 0
Avenged+1212 [Leadership] 0
To Roam Unseen+166 [Leadership] 10 [Tactics]0
Draedan Magic Re-Conversion+272100 [Sigilic Pyromancy] 100 [Transposition] 59 [Summoning] 13 [Mentalism]0
Draedan Refund+3125 [Leadership] 6 [Tactics]0
Atharen Launch Bonus+25 25 [Bodybuilding] 0

Starting Package:
100 Points
Blades - 25
Sigilic Pyromancy - 20
Acrobatics - 15
Politics - 15
Investigation - 15
Running - 10

Approval Rewards
Sigilic Pyromancy +5
Investigation +5
Politics +5

Re: Taelian's Plot Notes

Posted: Mon Jun 22, 2020 10:02 am
by Taelian Edevane
Skill Lores
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Non-Skill Lores
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Re: Taelian's Plot Notes

Posted: Wed Oct 14, 2020 7:19 pm
by Taelian Edevane

Argent Threads
1. (Fitting into the role of a Lord)
2. (Learning more on Rien politics, attending social outings)
3. (Learning to control Hollows)
4. (Meeting with Lords)
5. (Learning of the war, reaffirming loyalty)